1, the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows cleaning can not use ordinary soap and washing powder, but also can not use decontamination powder, toilet detergent and other strong acid-base cleaning agent, can be soft cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent wipe.
2, sealing top and glass glue is to ensure the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows sealing, insulation and waterproof key, such as shedding, to be repaired and replaced in time.
3, clean the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, must not step on the aluminum frame, and can not take the framework as support.
4, after a rainy day, should be promptly wiped glass and the window frame of the raindrop, pay special attention to the water. Chute with long, friction increases, you can add a little oil, or coated with a fire wax.
5、经常检查断桥铝门窗框墙体结阳雕刻 手套生产设备 果树反光膜 北京纯水设备 保定网站制作 排水槽模具处,日久如有松动极易使框架整体变形,使门窗无法关闭,密封。所以连接处的螺丝松动应立即紧固,如螺丝基脚松动,应用环氧强力胶水调少量水泥封固。
5, often check the broken bridge aluminum door, window frame, wall combination, if the time is loose, easy to make the frame overall deformation, make the door and window can not be closed, sealed. So the joint screw loosening fastening should immediately, such as screw loose footing, application of epoxy glue transfer a small amount of cement.
6, the aluminum doors and windows in the use process, should push pull, push and pull it; find it difficult not to force, should be troubleshooting. Ash deposition and deformation are the main reasons for the sliding and pulling of aluminum alloy doors and windows. The door frames must be kept clean, especially the cleaning of the push and pull grooves. Dust can be sucked into the tank and door seal top ash.


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